The mister and the mayor

A talk about mental health and „first ladies“

Mr Gay Europe Tim Küsters from the Netherlands and the mayor of the Norwegian capital, Ms. Anne Lindboe, talked about serious matters like mental health, but also the more light-hearted theme „first ladies“ when Tim was invited to the mayor’s office in Oslo.

„What you do is very important!“ Ms. Anne Lindboe, mayor of the Norwegian capital, is a committed ally to the Mr Gay Europe’s campaign for mental health in the LGBTQI+ community.

Earlier this month Mr Gay Europe Tim Küsters visited Oslo, Norway to finalize the plans for his campaign Be Proud, Be Strong, Be Mentally Healthy.

He had a meeting with the organization Mental Helse Ungdom (Mental Health Youth), where he received good and important advice and input on what young people are concerned about when they call the organisation’s helpline.

On the same trip, Tim also visited the Norwegian parliament, and he also got to meet Oslo’s mayor, Ms. Anne Lindboe. Although the topic for the meeting was serious enough, it turned out to be a cheerful meeting.

A staunch ally

It was a committed mayor who invited the Mr Gay Europe team into her office. The mayor emphasised the importance of us all caring when we think or see that someone is struggling mentally.

„This is something that affects the whole of society, not just the LGBTQI community, but I know that the persons from the LGBTQI community have a much greater chance of having mental problems due to inflicted shame, minority stress and other challenges because you are part of a minority,“ the mayor stated.

„I think what you are doing is very important, and I ensure you that Oslo municipality is a staunch ally to the LGBTQI community,“ emphasized Lindboe.

Tim talked about his campaign and pointed out that it is intended as a low-threshold campaign where everyone can contribute, and referred to the list of things you can do to make life a little easier for others.

Don’t be afraid to ask

„The most important thing is to ask, and at the same time be prepared to take your time and let the other person can talk. It is not dangerous to be direct, indeed, even asking someone if they have thought about suicide is not going to lead to someone committing suicide. The only thing that can happen is that you save a life,“ Tim explained to the mayor.

Also, as part of the MGE team is Tim’s partner, whos name is Tim Hendrickx. When Tim introduced his partner to the mayor, one of the other members of the team jokingly said; yes, we just call him „first lady“– something that caused a lot of laughter in the mayor’s office – and as the mayor later revealed, „that’s what I call my boyfriend too.“

The meeting in Oslo is the first of many that Tim will have around Europe in the coming months to raise awareness of the „Be Proud, Be Strong, Be Mentally Healthy“ campaign.

Fotos: Petter Berntsen/NTB/Mr Gay Europe